Life is about change, transition, and evolution.  We see it in the seasons.  We see it in the cycle of life with birth and death. Perspective can create happy endings, and new beginnings during key times of transition, such as changing/losing a job, divorce, or moving. Nobody can change the past, so why not learn from it, embrace the experience, then let it go?  In any experience, good can be found.  Focus on what was good, what was learned, then let it go.  Close the door happily, so that you may look...

In my coaching business, I have clients that ask me how to find their purpose in life. What's interesting is that when I ask them what they're doing to find their purpose, most people say that they think about it a lot, but rarely has anybody told me what actions they are taking. It seems like many people are waiting for their purpose to find them, instead of them looking to find their purpose. Here are four suggestions: Try new things, and lots of them-- How did you find out that you like...

It doesn’t matter where you are, it matters that you make a decision to go someplace, chart your course, and get moving. I’ve noticed that happiness is a complete state of mind, based on progress towards something worthwhile.  It doesn’t have to be something earth-shattering, just worthwhile.  I remember planning an extended weekend trip to southern California.  There was as much fun in the planning, as there was on the trip.  The power of the imagination is mighty to create happiness.  Anticipation of a goal is longer-lasting than actually arriving at...

How resistant are you to change? How good are you just 'going with the flow'? Better yet, are you able to embrace change? Change happens all the time. In every moment, things are changing. Some changes are huge, some are small. Here's the secret, it's not the size of the change that matters, it's the resistance you create to the change that makes a change easy or difficult. The more difficult the resistance, the more difficult the change, regardless of size. Eckhart Tolle said "Accept-- then act. Whatever the present moment contains,...

It’s not about you…. Your customers don’t care about you… they care about what you have to offer them.  What they really care about is the total experience that you provide.  It’s how they feel after their interaction with you.  If it’s great, they’ll tell 2 people.  If it’s horrible, they’ll tell 10. Service has become a huge differentiator in winning companies. In a world where so much is commoditized, the entire experience is what’s valued.  When you can make a mid-range coffee for about 18 cents, yet Starbucks can sell it...

It seems like everybody wants the same thing; a nice house, nice car, work that is enjoyable, a happy family.  What’s funny is that it doesn’t take that much more energy to create huge dreams and goals.  Each individual can be a world-changer if they really want.  No limits have been set.  There is no ‘glass ceiling’ on potential.  Why is it that we settle?  Why is it that we ‘let’ things happen, instead of ‘make’ things happen? Sure, there are things that change our plans, but why do we let...

Life is magical.  We make plans.  Some happen, some don’t, but we can find purpose, education, and opportunity in anything that happens to us.  Some of our greatest examples, like Mahatmas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Ann Frank forged through the trials heaved upon them, to show us a higher way. As we embark on our own personal paths of greatness, let us be aware that these paths may not be as we planned, but they are ours nonetheless, and we should fully embrace every experience along the journey.  As we watch...

  Do you really know who you are? Do you know who you're not? Maybe, just maybe, if you can figure out who you are not, you can get closer to figuring out who you are? Perhaps, if you crumble away those things that you know are definitely not you, you can find the essence of who you truly are. As you think about these questions, ask yourself if these things are NOT who you really are:   Am I my material possessions? Am I my car or the size of my home?...

Too many times, we have a tendency to focus too much on the past and in the future. The reality is, all we have is right here, right now.  Creating a discipline of mind to completely enjoy and experience the present moment is definitely a worthwhile endeavor.  The Buddhists call this mindfulness, or complete awareness of the present. As a rule of thumb, spend 80% of your time living in the present, 5%-10% learning from the past, and 10%-15% planning for the future.   Enjoying the Present When you pay attention to the present, you...

All of us have a belief system that is heavily influenced by our environment (family, friends, culture, TV/Radio/Internet, etc.).  We eat the foods we eat, watch the shows we watch, do the things we do, based on who and what we’re around.  This makes our lives very limited, like the frog in the well, versus expansive, like the frog in the sea.  Life becomes truly adventurous and exciting when we learn to get uncomfortable, when we search for the unknown, and when we challenge our own belief system. Here are a...