Whilst the wintry cold gives way to spring And a new day doth the sunshine bring Another year creates anew A chance for rebirth, for me and you To lay down the old, and dream again To renew the bond with family and friends To create the dreams, to expand the love To strengthen the bond with God above May this year bring new hope and dreams And every moment, more perfect seem And when this year has come to rest May we know that we’ve done our very best   At the beginning of January, in the middle of a cold, snowy...

I met with a client this week, and we were reviewing the commitments that he had made during our previous session. On one of his commitments, he sheepishly admitted that he had only kept his commitment about 50% of the time. There seemed to be a sense of guilt and shame as well, because he hadn't kept his commitment 100% of the time. I congratulated him on his progress, and simply said "Strive for progress, not perfection. Perfection sucks". Let me put some context around this comment. When I first engage with...

All of us get the opportunity to deal with difficult people. Whether they be managers at work, family members or even neighbors, we are not immune from having to interact with people that are so different than us that they rub us the wrong way and make it difficult to even be around. One of the things that I’ve learned is that these people can be ‘master teachers’ for us. We are told in an number of scriptures to love our enemies. It’s easy to love those who love us, but...

In aviation or sailing. A chart is plotted, the direction is set, and then many small adjustments are made along the journey, due to divergences from the course. External factors like wind can blow us off course for a minute, but we learn to adjust and move forward. In the stock market, the same thing happens. When an investor sees a divergence, it’s a sign that there will be an adjustment in the market, so the investor uses this knowledge to adjust their portfolio accordingly. The same thing can happen to us...

I remember somebody telling me “when two people are of the identical opinion, one person is redundant.” It got me thinking of the value of differing opinions. There is huge value in a company having diverse perspectives with their people, just like a basketball or football team has diverse skillsets for different positions. Whenever I come in contact with someone who sees things differently, here are a few things to keep in mind, to make the most of the opportunity:     Don’t pre-judge– This can be difficult, especially since you may have...

Life is about change, transition, and evolution.  We see it in the seasons.  We see it in the cycle of life with birth and death. Perspective can create happy endings, and new beginnings during key times of transition, such as changing/losing a job, divorce, or moving. Nobody can change the past, so why not learn from it, embrace the experience, then let it go?  In any experience, good can be found.  Focus on what was good, what was learned, then let it go.  Close the door happily, so that you may look...