I love riding motorcycles, especially on a smooth, winding canyon road in the middle of a nature-scented summer evening.  On a motorcycle, on the odometer that measures the engine’s RPMs, there is a red zone.  When you rev the throttle, and the needle for the RPMs increases to the line where the black meets the red, you are said to be red-lining the bike.  The black zone is safe.  The red zone is not.  That’s not to say that anything will definitely happen i the red zone, but it might. As...

The success and value of a person’s life is in what he can contribute to enrich the lives of others, whether by example, service, or content.  Examples are people like Victor Frankl and Nelson Mandela, who, through their own struggles and self-conviction give us something to aspire to. Examples of service are people like Mother Teresa, who believes in her mission, and tirelessly fulfills it, day-after-day, helping one person at a time. Examples of content are the many authors like Ralph Waldo Trine, Thoreau, Emerson, and CS Lewis, who nourish...