New Beginnings- 2017

new-beginnings2Whilst the wintry cold gives way to spring
And a new day doth the sunshine bring
Another year creates anew
A chance for rebirth, for me and you
To lay down the old, and dream again
To renew the bond with family and friends
To create the dreams, to expand the love
To strengthen the bond with God above
May this year bring new hope and dreams
And every moment, more perfect seem
And when this year has come to rest
May we know that we’ve done our very best


At the beginning of January, in the middle of a cold, snowy winter, I’m filled with hope & happiness as I embark on a new year.  Uncertainty is one of the most exciting aspects of life…. never really knowing for sure what is going to happen around the corner.  At the same time, charting a course gives us direction and something to hope for.  Hope and faith are such powerful tools in motivating us along life’s path.  For this reason, at this time of the year, I sit down to determine what I want to accomplish in life.  I believe that we must create a harmony and balance in our lives, so I establish goals in all areas of my life, such as physical, family, financial, spiritual, mental, career, etc.  As I move along my journey through the year, I always keep myself open to inspiration, for I know that the Infinite can make more of my life than I can.  I can set the sails, but I cannot command the wind.  For this, I am grateful.

It’s the little things that define us.  It’s providing some change to a homeless person standing in the cold, without judgement.  It’s making things straight when we are charged too little for groceries.  It’s being able to love the person in the mirror.  It’s about what’s right, not who’s right.

I’m grateful to be surrounded by incredible people.  People that teach me every day, not by word, but by example.  I’ve learned to step outside myself and become an observer and student of life.  There are so many illusions and perceptions that cloud what is real and what is important.  By observing and not labeling or judging, I’ve learned that everything has a purpose, that there is value in the journey and process, not just the destination.

May this be an incredible year of adventure and learning, as you proceed along your path.  May you find opportunities to look foolish, to grow, to learn, to suck the marrow out of life, for in these adventures, life truly becomes worth living.